vineri, 29 august 2008

A glimpse on nocturnal beauty

The carnival of rotten feelings had begun. All the guests were wearing black and the whole stage was full of petals of red roses. They were trembling in wind’s mild touch as a thick mass of bubbling blood. Their rustle mixed up with quiet songs interpreted by silence. It was just another odd cat and mouse game between good and bad, hope and despair, night and day, smile and tear. It was bitterly cold, but the people just couldn't feel it. They were wanting more and more of the freshness’ air. They were slow-moving lost with desire, crazy about the absolution. They wished for the infinity. They wished for the perfection. They lingered one step by another, they lust for the one beside them.
Women in fancy long dresses enveloped in black laces were walking gracefully as nervous brides walking to the aisle. Their look was deep and strange and reflected the awful unknown of the endless abyss. Their ivory skin shined frightfully, and the beams of light directed by the pale moon right on their raw-boned faces it was making them seem dangerous starved female vampires. Their gesticulation and the well-pressed bright-red lips were evincing some sort of terrifying mystery. Nonetheless, they were still keeping a ravishing wildish beauty of an untamed creature.
Men in costumes were looking like they were flowing around the women, straining like shadows on walls. If the women’s expression was giving the impression of being a little distressed, the men’s aspect was inscrutable like the one of the wax figurines. Their austerity was making them look important, untouchable, descended from another universe, although the men’s eyes were empty; they expressed void and sadness, but not despair. Nevertheless, their thoughtful foreheads were smothered with serenity suggesting a strong inside tranquility.
The inert ice sculptures were sighing gloomy… and the people among them were alike statues made of stone.
Here, time stopped for a few minutes and then moved away as nothing had really happened, wiping this scenery away like future wiping the past.

marți, 19 august 2008

Thornless rose

Vuietul agitatiei, haosul multimii clocoteau ca lava in craterul vulcanului. Strigate, soapte, exclamatii pluteau in jurul ei ca mici norisori pufosi invizibili incercand in van sa ii penetreze panza gandurilor. Nici murmurul catorva porumbei ce coborasera din vazduh cu speranta a cateva graunte de ceva, nici zgomotul asurzitor al trenurilor, nici vocea rece a megafonului, nimic nu ajungea pana la ea. Toate se pierdeau in nebulozitate in jurul ei ca si cand ar fi provenit dintr-un alt univers...

Daca vreun respectabil domn ori vreo doamna cocheta sau vreun gura-casca plictisit si-ar fi aruncat privirile catre intrarea din stanga a garii ar fi observat ca printr-o intamplare o fiinta firava si foarte palida ce iesea in evidenta prin culoarea ciudata si nonconformista a parului sau tuns scurt; de asemenea, la o analiza mai amanuntita se putea remarca fragilitatea si delicatetea iesite din comun ce ii dadeau alura unei fiinte nepamantene, a unei fantome incredibil de frumoase ce iti pironea ochii si ii dezvaluia pe ai ei: doi safiri stralucitori in care se adunasera doua bucati infime de cer carora nu le puteai ghici profunzimea, doua bijuterii nepretuite ce te fermecau la o singura privire. Emana inocenta prin toti porii, inocenta amplificata considerabil de gingasia ludica si infantila a razelor de soare.

Era o copila... si era singura... Nu dadea atentie nimanui fiind foarte absorbita de notitele pe care le scria intr-un caiet mare si gros...

O calatorie este o lectie de viata. Ea iti infatiseaza diferite personaje, locuri si peisaje, te aduce in situatii ciudate, amuzante sau chiar disperate prin care poate nu ai fi ajuns niciodata daca nu ai fi plecat... Unele lucruri raman un mister, pentru altele ii vei multumi mai tarziu lui Dumnezeu ca ti le-a adus in cale, pe altele le vei regreta adanc...

Acest articol nu are un scop anume... este doar descrierea unui personaj intalnit undeva... intr-o calatorie... Nu stiu cine era, ce s-a intamplat cu ea, cine a fost, cum o chema, de unde era si care era limba pe care o vorbea... Stiu doar ca avea darul de a fascina...